The Unexpected Stages Of College Graduation


College graduation is usually a commemoration of your achievements throughout your college life and marks the beginning of a very interesting journey. The process of pursuing your graduation may feel tedious at first and that is why we have made this post for you.

Apply for Graduation before Confirmation

Once you are done with you final papers, you will need to apply for your graduation. You will need to find out when the next graduation ceremony will be, and what the deadlines for your graduation are. Most colleges will keep you informed on this deadlines but you will need to provide them with your contact details and email addresses. In case you have a change in contact details, you can inform your college using you student portal. Do not wait for confirmation that you have passed before applying for graduation because you must complete the application forms before the set deadlines. If you do apply for your graduation later then find out that you have not successfully passed all your courses, your college will usually give you a full refund.

Apply for Tickets for the Ceremony

As the shock and excitement of your upcoming graduation ceremony finally begins to set in, you will need to remember to apply for tickets for the graduation ceremony for relatives and family. Most universities provide for two tickets per students and up to two complementary tickets for children under the age of two. However, in case there are extra tickets available, this information will usually be put up on the college website for student use. You will usually receive your guest tickets on the day of the ceremony but a confirmation email will be sent to you with regards to the same. Students will not usually be required to buy tickets.

Locate your Seating Location

Once you have applied and been confirmed for graduation, you have bought and received confirmation on tickets for you and your family, it is time to find out where you will be sitting. Your seat will usually be arranged according to the title of your award and your name. It is pertinent that you locate your seat before the ceremony as it determines the order of presentation. Parents and guests do not have a numbered sitting arrangement and as such the earlier they arrive the better the options they will receive for picking sits. You can choose you have your graduation photos taken before or after the graduation ceremony.

For foreign students who may want to have family attending the ceremony, make sure you visit the UKBA website to confirm or apply for visas for your family before the actual ceremony. Once the graduation ceremony is over, you will realize that undergraduate college life has been very different from the life after college, College life involved a lot of partying, drinking and generally having fun. Once you graduate, you will need to start seriously applying for jobs, paying bills if you no longer live with your parents, and making sure you do not get knocked off your feet by the overwhelming weight of responsibilities you will receive. Set reasonable logical goals but do not forget to enjoy life.