Can I Grow Peach Trees Outside In The UK?

Peach Trees

Would you like to buy peach fan trees for your garden? UK gardeners are becoming increasingly adventurous when it comes to growing fruits in their gardens. For instance, there is no reason why you should not buy nectarine fan trees for your garden when you see them for sale.

If you can protect them from frost, both nectarines and peaches can do well in UK gardens. It is not actually the tree which is susceptible to frost, it is the fruit and blossoms. However, there are several ways in which peach and nectarine trees will happily grow in your garden.

Can I Grow Nectarines And Peach Trees Permanently In My Garden?

Living in south of England, offers you many more opportunities when it comes to what fruit trees that you can grow in your garden. Growing more exotic fruits further north is more challenging.

One of the best ways to add nectarines and peaches to your garden crop, is to grow them in a pot. It does mean moving them inside during the cooler part of the year, but at least you will still end up with another fruit in your larder.

When your peach or nectarine tree is grown directly in your garden, growing them against a south facing wall will produce the best results. The wall will warm up and help the tree to support the fruit.

Do I Need to Feed The Trees?

Yes, you do need to feed the trees. The grower that you bought your trees from will be able to give you advice. A good quality fertilizer is essential when you want to ensure you get a good crop from the peaches and nectarines.

Can I grow them in a walled garden? Wall gardens are perfect for both peach and nectarine trees. When you buy peach fan trees, you will often find that they are being grown as part of a walled garden setting. But even when you don’t have a wall garden, there is no reason why you should not buy nectarine fan trees.

Good Companion Plants For Peaches And Nectarines

The best companion plants for peaches and nectarines include beans, peas and clover. You will find that this rather magical combination which will attract many pollinators such as bees to your garden.

During the Victorian era, peaches and nectarines where often grown in gardens. It is about time we became just as experimental as Victorian gardeners and tried growing some more exotic varieties of fruit in our gardens.