Understanding Basics Of Fibromyalgia


Fibromyalgia is a very common condition that can affect not only human, but also animals. This condition can affect both men and women; old or young. In general, many people with fibromyalgia tent to suffer from tendon shortening and diffused muscle. They may also suffer from nerve compression throughout their limbs and spine. Spinal-related pain may originate from low back, mid back and neck. It appears that deep spinal muscles can result in deep nerve traction and compression.

This results in muscle problems in the head, limbs and spine. Because it can deeply affect both nerve and muscle, fibromyalgia is likely an egg and chicken dilemma. We can’t easily answer, which one comes first. However, it is likely that fibromyalgia is caused by paraspinal muscles issues. In this case, we may need to learn more about biophysics. It is a common fact that once adulthood is reached, our skeletal muscles will eventually shorten due to frequent movements, injury and even exercises.

This happens because the level of growth hormone has been reduced. It appears that growth hormone affects our ability to sustain injury caused by repetitive, intense movements.

As comparison, children can run all day and they won’t have muscle ache or tire out too quickly. They could take a nap and run again. In general, adults over 35 years old begin to experience decline in their fitness. Their muscles are more likely to experience after a period of time. There are obviously some people who can run into their forties, but this involves some intense training that can be achieved easily at short period of time.

In general, people who move often and stretch properly are less likely to experience fibromyalgia, because their muscles are already well conditioned to repeated physical exercises and movements.

Fibromyalgia could also be caused by injuries during work, such as repeated movements while we are standing or sitting. Joint compression of the limbs and the spine can be rather painful. We could also experience joint stiffness, joint pain and eventually cracking of the joint. Adults should also be aware of joint osteoarthritis. Muscle shortening occurs gradually over a period of year.

This is the reason why older people tend to feel stiffer when they wake. Muscle shortening could get worse if we do things improperly. In this case, fibromyalgia can contribute to a variety of discomfort, from anxiety to sleep problems to localized muscle pain to severe pain.

Medications may also affect our muscles. As an example, a few cholesterol-lowering drugs can result in muscle shortening and spasm. This will make joint compression and pain more likely to happen. On the other hand, people with fibromyalgia could take anti-inflammatory drugs to help them improve quality of life. It should be noted that athletes are likely to suffer more from muscles discomfort compared to ordinary people, because they often traumatize their joints and muscles more.