Well, it becomes very difficult to cope with the high temperature that arrives during the months of April, May or June, especially when you come inside your room and then find that the wind of the ceiling fan is not at all enough to fulfil the thirst of that heat. That is the very moment when you realise that this situation would have been like some heaven if you had an AC installed in your room. Isn’t it? But buying an AC, be it LG or any other company, is also one of the most expensive purchases that you make for your home. Remember that following an Energy Saving Chart is also important. Hence, you may not have any doubt regarding the fact that you need to have a very proper knowledge about how expensive or how less money you want to spend behind this purchase of yours. And this AC is one thing which cannot be replaced for a very long time. And once it gets malfunctioned, it needs a great amount to repair and maintain it as well.

Given below are some tips on how to choose the perfect AC for your room.

  • AC capacity: All home air conditioners start from .8 Ton to 2 Ton capacity. Buy the AC depending upon the size of your room. Choose the capacity depending upon the room’s size.
  • Style: You can choose the split type or the window type. The split type is more favourable though, as it looks more fashionable and is easy to use. The window type AC covers the entire window and the sound levels are also high in this type. Cost is also higher for the window type AC. There are a great variety of air conditioners from LG which suit your room colour to a great extent. Customers favour ACs from LG more than any other brand when it comes to suit up with the room colour.
  • Key safety features: Many tests like IEC and fire safety tests should have been performed prior to the sales of the AC because an air conditioner is a device which works at very high voltages and current ratings.
  • Star ratings factor: The star rating is another crucial factor which a customer must adhere to before buying an AC. You can refer to an AC Energy Saving Chart in order to know about the energy saving capacity of the product you are planning to buy because the higher the star rating, the higher energy saving capacity your AC has.

Cooling modes, remote control techniques and sleep modes are amongst the other favourable things you should consider while buying and air conditioner for your home. Make the right choice and all the very best for choosing the perfect AC for your home.