Bright Bits: 5 Interesting Facts About Teeth Whitening

Teeth Whitening

It’s important to know that most people don’t have perfectly white teeth. In fact, most people’s dentures have a range of shades and tints that make our smiles unique. What’s more, having these different shades is nothing to worry about, as it doesn’t necessarily mean you are leading an unhealthy lifestyle.

Tooth discolouration – like that of greying – is a natural part of the ageing process, although certain lifestyle choices can negatively influence the process. If you’ve experienced excessive discolouration and wish to rectify the situation then the best teeth whitening Melbourne has available could be perfect for you.

And, if you are looking to brighten your smile, you may be interested in a few facts surrounding the process

1. It will not damage your oral health

When undertaken with your professional dentist this process does not carry any health risks. This is especially in contrast to whitening toothpastes, which can easily damage the enamel. The ingredients in the procedure are made to work temporarily, opening the pores and removing any stains found within. Afterwards, they will rehydrate and remineralise themselves.

2. You may experience some sensitivity after your procedure

Many people have pre-existing sensitive teeth, and this comes down to a variety of factors, including fine cracks, thin enamel, and even genetics. Therefore, it is perfectly normal to experience some sensitivity after this process.

The gel’s chemicals can cause temporary oral dehydration which, consequently, reduces the mouth’s ability to insulate the nerve from changes in temperature. But don’t stress: this should desist after a day or two, especially with the help of a dentist-recommended post-treatment fluoride solution to nourish and rehydrate the mouth.

3. You may require a couple of sessions

If it is your first experience receiving the best teeth whitening Melbourne has available, then it is important to know that you may require more than one session to complete the process. After all, discolouration is a lasting part of the oral makeup, so it can take multiple sessions to remove those unwanted stains and give you that stunning smile you’ve been looking for!

4. The procedure doesn’t work on crowns & veneers

Unfortunately, this process cannot whiten crowns or veneers. This is because they are not natural, don’t contain pores and therefore cannot have stains removed. What’s more, crowns and veneers are made to replicate your natural teeth colour, and will likely resist the whitening gel used throughout the procedure. For these reasons, we strongly recommend receiving this procedure prior to receiving new crowns or veneers.

5. It is designed to last a long time

To experience optimal results fr4om this worthwhile procedure, we recommend avoiding certain staining foods like coffee, tea, wine and rich sauces like Bolognese or curry. But, if you absolutely have to keep drinking these staining beverages, try to do so through a straw, so that they can bypass your dentures.

Other ways you can maintain a healthy, whitened smile include:

    • Continuing to maintain solid oral hygiene, including brushing twice daily and trying to floss whenever you have the opportunity;
    • Rinsing your mouth after eating and drinking (especially if you have consumed any of these particular staining foods);
    • Checking in with your dentist to see if it’s time to have a touch up.

We hope you have learned something interesting about this procedure. For many people, it is a great way to regain confidence in their smile and remove some of that unwanted discolouration that could have come with age or through some slightly naughty lifestyle choices!