8 Ways to Extend Your Car’s Lifespan

Car's Lifespan

The average person drives around 12,724 miles yearly. However, some people drive much more than this due to long commutes to work.

After ten years of driving the average, your car will have well over 120,000 miles on it. While most cars last up to 200,000 miles, many wear out long before they reach this mileage.

But you can extend your car lifespan through the proper steps. So what are these steps?

Keep reading to learn eight things to do that extend a vehicle’s lifespan.

1. Routine Oil Changes

Most people are familiar with oil changes, yet many fail to follow the appropriate schedule.

A car’s engine relies on fresh, clean oil for its operations. The oil lubricates the engine parts, allowing them to move and work freely. Clean oil also cools the engine, protecting the components.

Thus, cars need routine oil changes. Car manufacturers recommend oil changes in two ways:

  • Mileage
  • Time

Every car has different recommendations, but you can find yours in the owner’s manual.

For example, you might notice it suggests oil changes every 3,000 miles or three months, whichever comes first. However, your recommendations might differ from these.

Oil changes are the most basic form of car maintenance you can do, yet they’re one of the most vital. Your car will last longer if you follow the recommended schedule.

2. Replace Air Filters Regularly

Most cars have several filters, including a basic air filter. This basic air filter cleans the air that enters the engine, and its job is to keep the engine cleaner.

As you can imagine, these filters get dirty. They become dirty as they block dirt and debris from getting into the engine.

A dirty air filter causes several problems. First, it restricts air from entering the engine compartment. Secondly, dirty filters affect your car’s gas mileage. You’ll use more gas to get to and from the places you go.

You can improve your car life expectancy by replacing these filters as needed. A good rule of thumb is to have a mechanic check the filters whenever you get oil changes.

3. Fill Your Fluids

Your car engine has numerous fluid reservoirs. For example, there is one for oil, brake fluid, and coolant. However, there are also others.

These fluids are vital for your vehicle’s operations, each serving a specific role. For example, the coolant keeps the engine cool. Thus, a car needs plenty of coolant in the reservoir to handle this crucial task.

When your car runs out of a specific fluid, it affects your vehicle’s ability to do something. As a result, you might experience car problems.

You can avoid these problems by filling the fluids. Therefore, keeping the fluids full will help your car last longer.

4. Regulate Tire Pressure

Most people do not see the correlation between tire pressure and the life of a car. But there is a connection.

The pressure in your tires affects several things:

  • How your vehicle operates
  • Gas mileage
  • Tire life
  • Risks

Keeping the appropriate air pressure in your tires helps your vehicle operate more efficiently. It also reduces your risk of accidents occurring.

You can monitor your tire pressure weekly by checking it and adding more air when needed. Also, consider rotating your tires regularly to ensure they wear evenly.

You can learn the correct air pressure for your tires by looking at them. You’ll see the amount listed on the tires in terms of PSI (pounds per square inch).

5. Get Tune-Ups

A car tune-up is a comprehensive service you should get annually. A mechanic completes numerous steps during a tune-up, including the following things:

  • Replace air filters
  • Replace spark plugs
  • Replace fuel filter
  • Clean the engine
  • Oil change
  • Fill up fluids
  • Replace worn-out belts and hoses
  • Check tires

Routine tune-ups ensure that your car’s components work properly and are in good condition. Regular tune-ups are the best car care tips you can follow to extend a car’s lifespan.

6. Keep the Exterior Clean

Car maintenance involves a lot of engine work and maintenance. However, the engine is just one component that causes cars to wear out faster. Another component is the vehicle’s exterior.

Car manufacturers use steel products to build cars. As a result, these parts can rust. When car parts rust, they parts wear out, causing the vehicle to lose its safety appeal and ability to function properly. To maintain your car’s exterior look, check out Pelican Parts for Porsche Cayenne logo replacements and other accessories.

You can avoid exterior car problems by cleaning your car. For example, wash your car routinely to remove dirt, debris, and salt.

Additionally, parking in a garage reduces the risk of damage from the elements of the outdoors.

7. Address Problems Quickly

As you know, ignoring car problems doesn’t make them go away. It certainly doesn’t fix them, either. But ignoring problems has far worse effects on a vehicle.

For example, ignoring an overheating engine might cause the engine to blow up. A blown engine is a major problem that might cause you to scrap the car.

Thus, an integral part of car maintenance is addressing problems quickly. For example, contact a mechanic when your “check engine” light comes on instead of pushing it off.

Getting the car services you need fixes the issues and prevents worse problems from developing.

8. Buy the Warranty

Finally, you can extend your car’s lifespan by purchasing a warranty. For example, when you buy a BMW, ask for a BMW warranty. A BMW warranty will not only cover the cost of repairs, but it could also include services such as maintenance checks and the replacement of luxury car parts, such as a BMW emblem, ensuring your car stays in top-notch condition for years to come.

An extended warranty lasts for years and covers most car repair expenses. When you have a warranty, you might bring your car to the shop faster, knowing the warranty covers the costs.

Increase Your Car Lifespan Through Proper Maintenance

Cars are expensive, so you might want yours to last as long as possible. You can extend your car lifespan through proper maintenance and care. So follow the tips here to extend your vehicle’s useful life.

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