5 Essentials In The Modern Smart Home


Smart homes are sweeping the globe as technology gets more and more advanced and consumers expect more and more from their electronics. But what if you aren’t sure how to join your neighbors? What if you need a little inspiration to start creating your own smart home? Here are five ways to give your property more pizzazz.

1. Network Points

Network points can be installed just about anywhere in your home, and they’re exactly what you need to ensure that all your gadgets are running on the same frequency. It’s no use having two appliances with automated controls if those controls are in constant battle with one another! Before you start decking your home in sci-fi wizardry, make sure you have multiple network points that will support it.

2. Automated Lights

Do you go to bed at the same time every evening? Train your lights to dim at a specific hour. Will you be flying away on a beach vacation soon? Put your lights on a timer so thieves won’t see your dark, empty house and think they’ve scored the jackpot. Automated lights are one of the most convenient things you can put in a smart home, so don’t be shy about installing them in every room.

3. Temperature Controls

Imagine coming home from work on a bitterly cold night. Or imagine going to bed when you know the sun will be burning hot and fierce by the time you wake up. Wouldn’t it be nice to have smart technology installed in your heaters and air conditioners that would anticipate your needs and adjust your thermostat accordingly? Never again would you have to walk into a room that’s too hot or too cold. You could guarantee that the temperature was always comfortable.

4. Gate Controls

Say goodbye to manual labour when you install smart technology on your property gate. Not only will it allow you to open the gate with your phone while you’re pulling up in the driveway, but you’ll also be able to give and deny access to visitors without even leaving your couch. Throw in a gate camera and you’ll always know exactly who is on your property.

5. Intuitive Showers

Intuitive showers are the ultimate sign of luxury. One press of a button and you’ll have your choice between temperatures, pressures, water angles and shower sprays, so you’ll bathe like a king with an entire retinue at hand. You can also install the same technology on your tubs and jacuzzis so that you’ll be able to enjoy whirlpools at specific intervals or hot water jets after the water has cooled to a particular degree.

These are just a few ways to customise and accessorise your home in the 21st century. There will come a time when everything runs on automated, intuitive technology as a matter of course, but until then, you’ll have to seek it out if you want to enjoy it. Let these suggestions be your starting points for a new smart home.