Rightfully Yours: What To Ask Your Personal Injury Lawyer


If you have been the victim of someone else’s negligence, whether it be physical, mental or emotional, you can trust that there is legal recourse in your favour. After all, another person’s mistake has caused you harm, so you are more than entitled to seek damages that can help you move on with your life!

However, you want to get the best representation in the field, as they can help ensure that you receive what is rightfully yours: due compensation for the pain that the incident has caused.

The incident may have adversely affected your life, and you deserve compensation to get things back on track, and here are a few questions to ask the legal firm to ensure you get the best in the business and a winning result!

1. How long have you been practising this field?

You want to enlist an experienced personal injury lawyer who has seen it all (within reason!). They should have the skills and experience to handle the complexities that may arise in your claim, ensuring that you have an expert legal mind in your corner and one who can provide solid advice at every corner.

The claims process can be a tricky one, and you don’t want to enlist a legal rep without the skills or experience to guide you to a winning result – experience as essential as study or training in this field – be sure you’ve got a veteran in your corner!

2. Do you offer no win no fee services?

In many circumstances this is the best option for claimants. Why? Because they will only have to pay a small amount to the legal rep if their case isn’t successful, and part of their compensation will pay for their fees if they are successful.

No win no fee services are an ideal choice for people who wish to make a claim but don’t have the finances to pay upfront costs. The no win no fee rep will analyse your case before deciding whether to take it on or not – this could be an ideal option for getting the most out of your personal injury claim!

3. Can I see some client testimonials?

The best compensation representatives will be more than happy to send you in the direction of a couple of references who will positively attest to the great experience they had with them. After all, any successful compensation lawyer will certainly have happy past clients who will talk about how they were successful through that particular legal rep – be sure to ask about testimonials or references of whom you will be able to contact yourself.

4. Will you be handling the case?

It may so happen that you will hold a very positive consultation with a legal rep in the hope that they will handle the case. Unfortunately, this may be a higher up that is simply handling the consultation before palming off the case to a less experienced representative.

You want to know that the positive experience you had with a particular rep will lead to enlisting that rep and not having your case handled by someone you haven’t yet met.

5. Can we get started soon?

Because time is of the essence in personal injury claims, and you don’t want to be waiting around months to get started, especially as there is a cutoff date for making your claim. So, check to see that they are open and ready to take on your case, and that they won’t keep you waiting for months (or years!) on end whilst you await a successful outcome!