5 Safety Tips for Avoiding Truck Accidents on Family Road Trips

truck accident attorney

If you’ve ever been on a highway for a family road trip, you’ve probably had a heart-stopping situation when you needed to steer out of the way of an 18-wheeler switching lanes, or you’ve witnessed one barreling after you at a deadly pace.

Wasn’t it very horrifying? And with good reason. Due to their size, the nature of the product they are delivering, and the high speeds at which they travel on highways, truck accidents are typically more severe than collisions involving passenger vehicles. Let’s examine what ordinary motorists can do to avoid a collision with a truck.

Drive at a reasonable speed.

A speed restriction is precisely that—a restriction. Not a recommendation; it’s an absolute requirement. It is the top speed at which you can go on that specific section of the road. If you’re driving in poor weather or if other circumstances would make it safer to drive more slowly, you’ll need to modify your speed. You must complete a task. But if you can’t get it there safely, neither your employer nor you stand to gain.

Identify Blind Spots

Another name for blind spots is “No-Zones.” These are the spaces immediately ahead and in the rear of the vehicle, as well as next to the right door of the truck. In these risky situations, it is practically impossible for truckers to see another vehicle due to the sheer size of a truck. Keep your distance from a driver’s blind spot at all times. Keep moving at a steady, safe pace and swiftly evade the trucker’s blind zones. Remember that the driver cannot see you if you cannot see them through the truck’s mirrors. Stay safe, be seen, and lessen the likelihood of an accident.

Keep a Secure Distance

When moving at the same pace, trucks need significantly greater stopping distances than cars – in fact, 20 to 40% more. Keep a safe distance and give heavy trucks ample room, whether approaching from the front or the rear of your car. A semi’s braking ability is constrained. Catastrophic accidents are unavoidable when a passenger car pulls in front of a truck and slams the brakes.

Expect Wide Turns

Avoid Passing Turning Trucks Commercial vehicles frequently make wide turns. For instance, a vehicle might swing left to make a right turn and right to make a left turn. Many drivers put themselves and their passengers in danger when attempting to pass a large, moving truck by:

  • Passing a truck on the right just before it turns
  • Attempting to pass a truck turning right on the left. Through this strategy, the truck turning in front of the car and oncoming traffic will both be at risk of blind spots.
  • Passing turning trucks is not permitted.
  • If you notice a truck with its blinker on, slow down.
  • At intersections, trucks are expected to turn.
  • Do not follow too closely.
  • Drive along the road’s edge as you pass.

Be patient and vigilant

On highways all around America, road rage is a serious issue. Cutting through traffic, speeding, and yelling at other motorists will almost certainly result in a traffic ticket for reckless driving, failing to keep a straight path, failure to signal, and disruption of traffic. The temporary sensation of false empowerment that road rage may offer you will never repay the chaos and danger it may cause.

Also, there is a higher chance of a truck accident when it’s rainy, snowy, or road work nearby. Remain on guard. Contact a Denver truck accident attorney immediately to get the treatment and financial support you need after a Truck Accident. These professionals will take care of all the legal issues while you concentrate on recovering from trauma and getting medical care.