What You Should Know About Constipation


Constipation is considered by many experts as a subjective disorder of the abdominal tract. For some people it is manifested as excreting hard stool while others viewed the condition as removing bowels abnormally. Many people who have suffered the problem feel that one sitting is not enough to completely remove their bowel. In extreme cases, constipation causes waste matters to pack up in the bowel making it hard for a person to expel. Effective treatments for constipation may vary from person to person. Constipation is also considered as a common symptom of IBS (irresistible bowel syndrome).

Why a Person May Experience Constipation

The number of times a person empties his bowel varies significantly. Experts cannot pin down a number which a person needs to accomplish to keep his digestive tract healthy. Some people do it three times a day while others can only defecate once a day. It is said that as person ages, it is normal for him to experience decreased number of bowel movement.

Every person has the natural ability control his or her own bowel movement. This is possible because of the somatic nervous system which allows a person to control the movements voluntarily. That is why many believed that constipation is more likely to be caused by habitual suppression of the urge to remove the bowels. If a person suppresses his urges, this tends to reduce over time and becomes less pressing.

A person can be diagnosed for constipation if he has digestion problems and his bowel movement is less than three time per week. If you defecate just once a week, you have a severe case of constipation. There is still no clear explanation why people remove their bowel normally at regular basis and then suddenly stops for some days. Although people may physically and mentally suffer from pains due to constipation the condition has been considered less threatening and will not lead to cancer as long as it will not accumulate toxins in the intestines.

Irresistible Bowel Syndrome

A chronic constipation is also experienced by a person with irresistible bowel syndrome. There is no specific treatment for the condition because it does not show any abnormalities. It does not display any physical manifestations like abnormalities of the abdominal lining which will cause rectal bleeding. Experts have not yet discovered why this condition occurs but understanding and knowing the nature of constipation will help a patient suffering from irresistible bowel syndrome deal with his condition.

The kind of foods you eat every day can also affect your bowel movement. That is why doctors would recommend patients with irresistible bowel syndrome to change their diet and lifestyle. The changes in the diet should include the addition of fiber in the meals which are commonly found in fruits and vegetables. Fibers can make the stool bulky and soft which makes it easier for a person to remove it.

Physicians usually requires patient to eat about five to six servings of fiber daily. As much as possible find natural sources of fiber. However, if there is no enough you can choose an appropriate supplement that can provide you the same amount recommended by your doctor.